Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In this still life I drew grapes, peaches, lemons, an apple, a banana, and a cucumber. All in all I would say that this was my favorite module that we have done so far because it was cool to see how when you actually put your mind to it, drawing is not as hard as it seems


  1. This is really good Timmy! Some of the colors are really life-like. The only thing I see is that the fruit in the bowl seems like it is floating. But, really good job!!

  2. Good job Timmy! I like the way you layed out the fruit and how well you blended the colors. I agree with Hannah the fruit in the bowl is kind of floating and the apple on the left is a little drawn out but other than that it's really good.

  3. Good work! I really appreciate your attention to detail as evidenced by your translation of edges into line. You have a strong composition and did a nice job using color. You demonstration a sensitivity to pastels in your work and handled the medium well!
    I hope that you save this drawing!
